A Walk with Chalk
On Friday, June 5th ( rain date June 12th ), the Developing Artist Program, funded through a grant from The Greenwich Alliance for Education, will host a town wide event. The event, A Walk with Chalk - making connections one line at a time, will have students around town draw a line as they walk towards their school, a friend’s house, Town Hall or the Boys & Girls club. Use your own Chalk or Curbside Chalk pick up: Tue, June 2nd - all middle/elementary schools with lunch pick up locations - Route 1, 2 & 3 / Wed June 3rd GHS 12:30-1pm
The project will re-unite the remote and physical worlds in a safe social distance event resulting in a community based Social Practice Art work. We recently launched a website that will give you an overview of the work being done and the positive ways it is enriching the lives of our members and students around town.
Since the start of Covid-19, The Developing Artist Program has been conducting virtual interviews/studio tours involving the young aspiring artists around town. We currently have two interviews posted with three more in the works, including a very exciting upcoming interview with an animator editor from Bluesky Studios. Bluesky is located here in Greenwich, producing Ferdinand, Robots and the amazing Ice Age films.
The Walk with Chalk project is being coordinated town wide and we very much hope that you would be interested in helping us make connections One Line at Time. The work will continue with Chalk- On, a student led project taking place June 12th after school and throughout the summer as young artists fill their driveways and sidewalks with colorful inspirational images to kick-off the summer.
Share your lines and connections using the hashtag - @thedevelopingartist and #walkwithchalk